of CRI |
1. |
To bring together the major superiors
of Institutes of Consecrated Life
and Societies of Apostolic Life, So
that they share the experiences, challenges
and concerns of their religious commitment
and get mutually enriched. |
2. |
make combined effort to achieve more
fully the purpose of each Institute,
while respecting the autonomy, nature
and spirit of each (CIC c. 708). |
3. |
deal with matters common to all Institutes
of Consecrated Life and Societies
of Apostolic Life, especially those
affecting consecrated life in India,
and to work to establish suitable
co-ordination and co-operation with
various Episcopal bodies and with
individual bishops
(CIC c. 708) |
4. |
promote fellowship at all levels of
the Christian community in a spirit
of humble service and in collaboration
with all sections of the people of
God and all people of good will. |
of CRI |
goals of CRI are to be achieved more
specifically through the following
objectives and corresponding functions. |
1. |
focus the attention of the religious
constantly on their common mission
within the Church, according to their
own charism and context of the complex
Indian reality: |
a. |
helping its members bear witness
to the unique role of the
contemplation of the Father
in the mission of Christ;
and by supporting the emergence
of new forms of religious
life in harmony with the Indian
spiritual reality; |
b. |
fostering in the religious,
both a sense of belonging
to the local Church and a
genuine concern for and openness
to the needs of the universal
Church; |
c. |
By developing among the religious,
both a sense of belonging
to the local Church and a
genuine concern for and openness
to the needs of the universal
Church; |
d. |
them to proclaim the Good
News of Jesus Christ, leading
people to an explicit acceptance
of Christ in the Church if
the Spirit so calls them; |
e. |
witness to Christ’s
preferential love for the
poor and the marginalized
in the choice of their apostolic
work and target groups; |
f. |
Calling for a sense of urgency
to share their Christ experience
with those of other faiths,
in a spirit of mutual dialogue,
and with non-believers, in
a search for common basic
values; |
g. |
Involving the process of inculturation
in all aspects of life and
work: liturgy, spirituality,
theology, value systems, lifestyle,
etc. |
h. |
Demanding that the religious
keep abreast of the Indian
situation and assume their
duties as citizens of a country
beset with many problems,
among which stands out the
need for national integration;
and |
i. |
research into those spiritual
and cultural values, a deeper
understanding and assimilation
of which is imperative for
religious to be more authentic
and relevant Christian witnesses
in the local context. |
2. |
pool resources and coordinate efforts: |
a. |
Enabling its members through
regular meetings and timely
communications to share common
concerns and to set and review
goals; |
b. |
encouraging inter-institutional
collaboration in those aspects
of the Church’s activities,
which call for coordinated efforts. |
3. |
provide opportunities for consultation
and dialogue: |
a. |
the laity in a spirit of openness
and trust, so that common
problems can be resolved in
a sense of mutual interdependence; |
b. |
its own members and other groups,
including government authorities
when needed. |
4. |
offer service: |
a. |
Helping the religious to grow
in all aspects of religious
life and particularly in the
convictions that their commitment
requires of them: a deep life
of prayer and the spirit of
contemplation; |
b. |
assisting its members in their
task of formation and in the
renewal of religious life; |
c. |
providing opportunities for
major superiors to develop their
role as animators and leaders; |
d. |
fostering the study of those
trends and developments within
the Church which affect the
role of religious and by encouraging
the formulation of guidelines
for action related to them. |
5. |
Promote relationship: |
a. |
does not interfere with the
legitimate autonomy of each
Institute and the responsibility
of the respective superiors;
however, being a forum for communion
among the religious, it can
have an inspirational role and
be a dynamic element for religious
life in India. |
b. |
with bishops: CRI acknowledges
the authority of individual
bishops as per the provisions
of Canon Law and of the various
episcopal bodies of India and
other episcopal bodies, and
works in collaboration with
them in matters of common concern
for the Church in India. |
c. |
the level of the universal Church,
CRI loyally accepts the unique
role of the successor of Peter
and readily follows the directives
of the Apostolic See. |