By CRI Admin

25 February 2025


In his recently released encyclical, Dilexit Nos (“He Loved Us”), issued on 24th October 2024, Pope Francis calls the Catholics to rediscover the transformative power of the love that beats in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The title is inspired by St. Paul’s letter to the Romans 8:35: “through him who loved us”. This profound passage calls the faithful to look deeply into the heart of Christ, recognizing in it the source of all human dignity and divine love. In a world increasingly dominated by consumerism, technology, and distractions, Pope Francis presents the Sacred Heart as a potent antidote – a call for humanity to reconnect with what is essential, meaningful, and eternal. More than just a theological reflection, Dilexit Nos is a roadmap for translating devotion into action, urging believers to embody the Sacred Heart in their everyday lives through compassion, social justice, and ecological responsibility.

The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most cherished traditions in the Catholic spirituality. Rooted in Scripture, it finds its earliest expressions in the Gospel of John, where Jesus’s pierced side becomes a fountain of love and mercy for the world. Over the centuries, this devotion deepened through the mystical experiences of saints like Margaret Mary Alacoque, who, in the 17th century, received visions of the Sacred Heart aflame with love for humanity. In Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis reflects on the countless saints, mystics, and movements inspired by this devotion, such as St. John Eudes, who established the Feast of the Sacred Heart, and St. Therese of Lisieux, whose “Little Way” was steeped in trust in God’s loving heart. These figures remind us that devotion to the Sacred Heart is not merely about personal piety, but a call to imitate the love of Jesus in tangible ways, especially toward the marginalized and suffering. The encyclical treasures five profound chapters, each illuminating the dual dimensions of love – the human and the divine – rediscovered in the Heart of Jesus.

  1. Rediscovering the Heart of Jesus

The first chapter of Dilexit Nos challenges us to see the heart as the seat of human authenticity and divine love. Pope Francis recalls how the heart, not merely as a physical organ, but as a profound symbol in both ancient philosophy and Scripture, represents the true center of human being. In a world fragmented by superficiality and distractions, the heart, especially the Sacred Heart, invites us back to what is real and lasting. It is in the heart that we find the power to unite body and soul, mind and spirit.

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