02-06th March, 2023
National Executive Meeting with Regional Presidents & Regional Secretaries
Venue: CRI House, New Friends Colony, Masihgarh, New Delhi 110 025
Registration: Fill the registration form and send it by email to crinational@gmail.com, or send it by post / courier to The National Secretary, CRI National Secretariat, CRI House, Masighar, Sukhdev Vihar, New Friends Colony PO, New Delhi 110 025.
You can also send Demand Draft or Multi-city Cheque in favour of "Conference of Religious India" payable at New Delhi and send it to The National Secretary, CRI National Secretariate, CRI HOUSE, Masihgarh, Sukhdev Vihar, New Friends Colony PO, New Delhi - 110 025
Duration:06 days
Bethel - MSMHC Prayer Centre
Umniuh - Khwan,
Ri - Bhoi Dist.
Aimed at religious in 30-45 age group-to understand & help ourselves and others during this important stage of adult development.
Physical and medical aspects of mid-life
Emotional changes and challenges of mid-life
Spiritual integration
Mental resources for a full life
The joy of empowering younger persons
Learning from every decade
Preparing to grow old gracefully
Register with North East Regional CRI:
CRI Bhavan, College Hostel Road,
Panbazar, Guwahati,
ASSAM 781 001
Tel: 0361-2630096
Mob: 9435548969
Email: necrig@gmail.com