CRI National Events and Programmes

CRI Events and programmes for all members

Religious Leadership for challenging times and Emerging Needs of Mission

From: 29-01-2023 To: 31-01-2023 Register before: 24-01-2023

29-31st January, 2023

Religious Leadership for challenging times and Emerging Needs of MissionVenue : CASA MARIA, Nirmalgiri Peroor, Ettumanoor, Kerala

Registration:Fill the registration form and send it by email to, or send it by post / courier to The National Secretary, CRI National Secretariat, CRI House, Masighar, Sukhdev Vihar, New Friends Colony PO, New Delhi 110 025.

You can also send Demand Draft or Multi-city Cheque in favour of "Conference of Religious India" payable at New Delhi and send it to The National Secretary, CRI National Secretariate, CRI HOUSE, Masihgarh, Sukhdev Vihar, New Friends Colony PO, New Delhi - 110 025

Discerning Leadership for Emerging Leaders

From: 15-02-2023 To: 18-02-2023 Register before: 13-02-2023

15-18th February, 2023

Discerning Leadership for Emerging Leaders'Venue: CRI House, New Friends Colony, Masihgarh, New Delhi 110 025

Start Time: 15th Feb, 2023 by 04:00 PM Tea & Registration, 04:30 PM Session StartsEnd Time: 18th Feb, 2023 by 04:30 PM (After tea departure)

Registration:Fill the registration form and send it by email to, or send it by post / courier to The National Secretary, CRI National Secretariat, CRI House, Masighar, Sukhdev Vihar, New Friends Colony PO, New Delhi 110 025.

You can also send Demand Draft or Multi-city Cheque in favour of "Conference of Religious India" payable at New Delhi and send it to The National Secretary, CRI National Secretariate, CRI HOUSE, Masihgarh, Sukhdev Vihar, New Friends Colony PO, New Delhi - 110 025