The Call of a Teacher
In this second cover story, Sr. Benny offers a compelling reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and its resonance with feminine energy, as illuminated by Pope Francis in Dilexit Nos. She explores the profound similarities between Christ’s boundless love and the nurturing, empathetic spirit often associated with femininity. These reflections invite us to go beyond fixed roles or binary understandings. Her article highlights the transformative power of love, healing, and sacrifice, which transcend gender while embracing the unique expressions of divine and human compassion. In doing so, it challenges us to see these qualities as both inherently feminine and masculine, and therefore as universal invitations to embody the Sacred Heart’s call to self-giving love and unity.
Dilexit Nos (“He Loves Us”) is Pope Francis’ recent encyclical, which delves into the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a source of both divine and human love. This devotion holds profound significance in addressing the divisions and crises facing today’s world. In the context of global challenges such as consumerism, conflict, and social fragmentation, Pope Francis contrasts these issues with the enduring compassion and unity symbolized by the Sacred Heart.
In the encyclical, Pope Francis highlights Christ’s heart as a unifying center of hope, encouraging believers to view it as a symbol of unconditional love and mercy. He ties this devotion to the experiences of saints and theologians who regard the Sacred Heart as both a personal and collective call to action. Pope Francis also makes references to historical roots, such as the 1673 visions of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, which helped popularize this devotion. He reminds us that the Sacred Heart represents the love poured out by Jesus, especially evident in His sacrifice on the Cross, making it a powerful symbol of solidarity and consolation in the face of human suffering. Through Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis seeks to help the faithful rediscover a heart-centered spirituality that fosters both personal healing and societal transformation.
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