Data Table

CRI Congregation Directory

No Cri Code Abrv Name Group Ecclesial Nature
51 S-027.01 CSN Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
52 P-085.01 CSS Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of our Lord Jesus Christ Priests Pontifical Apostolic
53 S-133.01 CSS Congregation of Samaritan Sisters Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
54 S-184.01 CSSA Congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann's of Phirangipuram Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
55 S-189.01 CSSE Congregation of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
56 S-251.01 CSSH Cenacle Sisters of Sacred Heart Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
57 S-269.01 CSSH Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
58 S-201.01 CSSM Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
59 S-014.01 CSST Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
60 B-008.01 CST Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux Brothers Diocesan Apostolic
61 P-015.01 CST Little Flower Congregation (CST Fathers) Priests Pontifical Apostolic
62 S-029.01 CTC Congregation of Teresian Carmelites Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
63 S-272.01 CTS Carmelite Teresian Sisters Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
64 S-055.01 DBS Deen Bandhu Samaj Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
65 S-030.01 DC Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
66 S-032.01 DC (EF) Daughters of the Church Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
67 S-031.01 DCPB Daughters of Charity of the Most Precious Blood Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
68 S-034.01 DDP Daughters of Divine Providence Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
69 B-009.01 DDS Disciples of the Divine Saviour Brothers Diocesan Apostolic
70 S-036.01 DHM Daughters of the Heart of Mary Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
71 S-037.01 DM Daughters of Mary Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
72 S-038.01 DMI Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Dimesse Sisters) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
73 S-040.01 DN Daughters of Nazareth Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
74 S-207.01 DP Society of Devpriya Sisters Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
75 S-042.01 DPMT Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
76 S-046.01 DSA Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
77 S-048.01 DSC Daughters of St Camillus Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
78 S-229.01 DSFA Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
79 S-049.01 DSFS Daughters of St. Francis de Sales Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
80 S-043.01 DSH Daughters of the Sacred Heart Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
81 S-044.01 DSHJ Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
82 S-188.01 DSHS Sisters of St. Dorothy, Daughters of the Sacred Heart Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
83 S-050.01 DSJ Daughters of St. Joseph Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
84 S-052.01 DSMP Daughters of St. Mary of Providence (Guanellian Sisters) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
85 S-056.01 DSS Dinasevanasabha (Servants of the Poor) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
86 S-054.01 DST Missionary Congregation of the Daughters of St. Thomas the Apostle Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
87 S-045.01 DW Daughters of Wisdom (Montfort Sisters) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
88 P-088.01 FAM Congregation of the Sons of Merciful Love Priests Pontifical Apostolic
89 S-073.01 FBS Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Bon Secours Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
90 B-004.01 FC Brothers of Charity Brothers Pontifical Apostolic
91 S-033.01 FC Daughters of the Cross (Liege) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
92 P-087.01 FdCC Congregation of the Canossian Sons of Charity Priests Pontifical Apostolic
93 S-011.01 FDCC Canossian Daughters of Charity Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
94 S-041.01 FdM Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
95 S-035.01 FDP Daughters of Divine Providence Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
96 P-084.01 FDP The Sons of Divine Providence Priests Pontifical Apostolic
97 S-230.01 FDSHJ Fervent Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
98 S-200.01 FDZ Daughters of Divine Zeal Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
99 S-062.01 FHGS Franciscan Handmaids of the Good Shepherd Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
100 S-063.01 FHIC Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Sisters Pontifical Apostolic