Data Table

CRI Congregation Directory

No Cri Code Abrv Name Group Ecclesial Nature
1 S-141.01 AASC Sisters Adorers Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
2 S-002.01 AC Apostolic Carmel Sisters Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
3 P-013.01 ALCP/OS Apostolic Life Community of Priests in the Opus Spiritus Sancti (Holy Spirit Priests Diocesan Apostolic
4 S-006.01 AMS Augustinian Missionary Sisters Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
5 S-274.01 AMU Association of the Missionaries of Unity Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
6 S-256.01 AO Apostolic Oblates Secular Institute Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
7 S-007.01 ASA Augustinian Sisters of the Most Holy Annunciation Sisters Pontifical Contemplative
8 S-001.01 ASC Adorers of the Blood of Christ Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
9 S-003.01 ASMI Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
10 S-206.01 BETHL Bethlemite Sisters, Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
11 S-009.01 BS Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
12 S-232.01 BSDP Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
13 B-005.01 BSM Brothers of St. Michael Brothers Diocesan Apostolic
14 P-007.01 C.Ss.R Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) Priests Pontifical Apostolic
15 S-019.01 CCR Congregation of Carmelite Religious (Trivandrum) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
16 S-013.01 CCV Carmelite Sisters of Charity (Vedruna) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
17 P-074.01 CDF Institute of Christian Doctrine Fathers' Society Priests Pontifical Contemplative
18 B-006.01 CFC Congregation of Christian Brothers Brothers Pontifical Apostolic
19 P-049.01 CFIC Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception Priests Pontifical Apostolic
20 S-017.01 CFMSS Clarist Franciscan Missionaries of the Most Blessed Sacrament Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
21 S-020.01 CHF Congregation of the Holy Family Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
22 S-021.01 CIC Congregation of the Immaculate Conception, Madurai Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
23 C-011.01 CIM Cistercian of Mary Immaculate Sisters Diocesan Contemplative
24 S-088.01 CJ Congregation of Jesus Sisters Pontifical Contemplative
25 S-271.01 CJS The Society of Christu Jyothi Sisters Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
26 S-012.01 CM Carmelite Missionaries Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
27 P-006.01 CM Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) Priests Pontifical Apostolic
28 S-022.01 CMC Congregation of the Mother of Carmel Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
29 P-004.01 CMF Claretian Missionaries (Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin M Priests Pontifical Apostolic
30 P-003.01 CMI Carmelites of Mary Immaculate Priests Pontifical Apostolic
31 B-007.01 CMSF Congregation of the Missionary Brothers of St. Francis of Asissi Brothers Pontifical Apostolic
32 P-008.01 CP Congregation of the Passion (Passionists) Priests Pontifical Apostolic
33 S-224.01 CP Passionate Sisters of St. Paul of the Cross Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
34 P-025.01 CPPS Missionaries of the Precious Blood Priests Pontifical Apostolic
35 S-126.01 CPS Congregation of Preshitharam Sisters Sisters Diocesan Apostolic
36 C-008.01 CR Congregation of the Rosarians Priests Diocesan Contemplative
37 P-010.01 CR Congregation of Rosarians Sisters Pontifical Contemplative
38 P-072.01 CRM The Order of Clerics Regular Minor (Adorno Fathers) Priests Pontifical Apostolic
39 P-048.01 CRS Somascan Congregation (Clerics Regular of Somasca) Priests Pontifical Apostolic
40 P-070.01 CRSP Clerics Regular of St. Paul (Bernabites Fathers) Priests Pontifical Contemplative by choice
41 S-015.01 CSA Catechetical Sisters of Arogyamatha Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
42 S-142.01 CSAC Congregation of the Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate, (Pallottine) Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
43 S-018.01 CSBS Clarissan Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
44 B-002.01 CSC The Brothers of Holy Cross Brothers Pontifical Apostolic
45 S-026.01 CSC Congregation of the Sisters of Charity Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
46 P-005.01 CSC Congregation of the Fathers of the Holy Cross Priests Pontifical Apostolic
47 P-067.01 CSJ Congregation of St. Joseph, Josephites of St. Leonard Murialdo Priests Pontifical Apostolic
48 S-194.01 CSJ Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
49 S-191.01 CSJB Sisters of St. John the Baptist Sisters Pontifical Apostolic
50 S-202.01 CSM Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha Sisters Diocesan Apostolic