CRI Guidelines
National Regional Local

Statutes and Guidelines of the Regional Units of CRI

  1. Status: It is an affiliate of the National Conference of Religious, India whose registered office is at CRI National Secretariat, CRI House, Masihgarh, New Friends Colony PO, Okhla, New Delhi - 110 025.

  2. Area: Normally, there are to be as many regional units as there are Regional Bishop’s Councils, and these are to be co-extensive with the territory of the latter.

  3. Nature: Regional Conference of Religious, India is a conference of Major Superiors of all Institutes of Consecrated Life and of Societies of Apostolic Life (cf. CIC cc. 607, 731, 734) and Delegates of such Institutes that work in the region but whose Major Superior resides elsewhere.

  4. Membership: The membership is open to:
    1. (i)   All Major Superiors residing in the region
    2. (ii)  Representatives / Delegates of such institutes that work in the region but whose Major Superior resides elsewhere. (Regional CRI Assembly can specify this representation.)
    3. New Major Superiors / Delegates in the region should be enrolled as members by informing the Regional President.
    4. When a member is unable to attend a meeting of Regional CRI, his/her vicar or councilor in the absence of the vicar, can attend the meeting as duly authorized representative with the right to vote.

  5. Goals: CRI has the following goals:
    1. To bring together the Major Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, so that they share the experiences, challenges and concerns of their religious commitment and get mutually enriched.
    2. To make combined effort to achieve more fully the purpose of each Institute, while respecting the autonomy, nature, and spirit of each (CIC c. 708).
    3. To deal with matters common to all Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life especially those affecting consecrated life in the Region, and to work to establish suitable co-ordination and co-operation with Regional Episcopal Conferences and with individual Bishops (CIC c. 708).
    4. To promote fellowship at all levels of the Christian community in a spirit of humble service and in collaboration with all sections of the people of God and all people of good will.

  6. Functions
    1. The Regional units execute the policies and decisions of the National CRI Assembly.
    2. The Regional units endeavour to foster co-operation among religious throughout the region especially in times of trouble, with diocesan authorities, political and social forces.  It keeps in mind, the pastoral vision and particular needs of the Church in that Region.  The Regional units acts as an effective link between the local units and the National CRI by assuming the responsibility for implementing at the regional level those decisions taken at the National level which pertain to the region.  Further it undertakes to offer services to the local units of the Region in whatever way circumstances demand.
    3. The Regional units aim at fruitful collaboration with the Bishops of the Region.
    4. By requesting them to send a representative Bishop to the meetings of the Regional CRI Unit for matters of mutual concern.
    5. By attending the meetings of the Regional Bishops’ Council, when invited.
    6. By co-operating with them in establishing joint committees of Bishops and Religious.
    7. By endeavouring to share the concerns of the dioceses for the evangelization and social action of the Region.

  7. Regional Executive Council
    1. The members of each Regional Unit elect from among themselves the Regional Executive Council, which consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary / Treasurer and at least two Councilors.
    2. If need be, a Regional Executive Secretary may be appointed with the functions as given in No. 9.  If no Regional Executive Secretary is appointed, the functions proper to that office are carried out by the Secretary.
    3. Normally the term of office of the office bearers is three years and can be re-elected.
    4. In the election of the Regional Executive Council, care should be taken that adequate representation is given to Priests, Brothers, Sisters, Congregations and areas.
    5. Conveners for Priests, Brothers and Sisters for the Regional Units will be elected by their respective groups if separate meetings of these sections are feasible and advisable.  These, at the discretion of the Regional Unit, may or may not be members of the Regional Executive Council.

  8. Regional President
    1. The Regional President is elected by the Regional CRI Assembly.
    2. The Regional President presides over and co-ordinates the Regional Executive meetings and Regional CRI Assembly.
    3. The Regional President gives directions to the Secretary / Executive Secretary.
    4. When the President is absent or incapacitated, the Vice-President assumes the functions of the President.

  9. Regional Executive Secretary
    1. The Regional Executive Secretary is appointed by the Regional Executive Council with the consent of his/her Major Superior for a term of three years.  He/she may be re-appointed, for one or more terms.  His/her Major Superior may re-call him/her after giving three months notice to the Regional President.  The Regional President, with the consent of the Regional Executive Council may terminate his/her services after giving three months’ notice.
    2. The Regional Executive Secretary functions as secretary to the Regional CRI Assembly and the Regional Executive Council.  He/she takes part in the deliberations, but does not have the right to vote.
    3. As far as possible the Regional Executive Secretary serves Regional CRI on a full time basis.  He/she assumes the role and functions of animation and co-ordination at the Regional level similar to the functions of the National Executive Secretary.  While functioning under the authority and responsibility of the Regional President and the Regional Executive Council and while adhering closely to the directives issued by the Regional CRI Assembly, he/she sees to the effective fulfillment of his/her office.
    4. The Regional Executive Secretary is responsible for the custody of the movable and immovable properties of the Regional CRI office, its archives, and funds and for making disbursements with an approved budget and for proper accounting and auditing.
    5. The Regional Executive Secretary may be authorized by the Regional Executive Council to take up civil and ecclesiastical legal issues and for entering into agreements for and on behalf of Regional CRI.
    6. If the Regional Executive Secretary is a full time, he/she is paid a suitable remuneration, which will be determined by the Regional Executive Council in consultation with his/her Major Superior.
    7. The staff of the Regional Secretariat is appointed by the Regional Executive Secretary in consultation with the Regional President.  All CRI members co-operate by making available the services of personnel.
    8. The Regional Executive Secretary offers help for the organization of Regional Sectional meeting and their follow up.
    9. The Regional Executive Secretary gives an annual report to the Regional Executive Council and prepares the report for the National / Assembly.

  10. Meetings
    1. The Regional CRI Assembly meets at least once a year.  The Regional Executive Council meets at least twice a year.
    2. The quorum for the meeting is 40% of the eligible members.
    3. During Regional CRI Assembly, separate sectional meetings for Priests, Brothers and Sisters may be held whenever found necessary and useful.
    4. The Regional CRI Assembly may identify special areas of concern in the region and set up different commissions or action cells in order to respond to them.  These commissions could work in co-ordination and collaboration with the Regional Commissions of the Regional Bishops’ Council for greater effectivity and solidarity.
    5. In order to foster contact with the parent body, the National Executive Secretary or member of the National Executive Council is invited to the Regional CRI Assembly.
    6. In order to foster collaboration with the Bishops of the Region, a member of the Executive of the Regional Bishops’ council is invited to some sessions of mutual concern of the Regional CRI Assembly.
    7. The Regional CRI Assembly elects one of the Regional Executive Council members as its representative in the National Executive Council.
    8. The Regional CRI Assembly elects members to the Regional Pastoral Councils when the Regional Bishops’ Council requests it.

  11. Elections and Voting
    1. The office bearers are elected by their Assemblies by secret ballot or by show of hands as decided by the Assembly.
    2. The elections are decided by an absolute majority (half plus on) of valid and certain votes.
    3. If after the first ballot no candidate obtains such absolute majority, a second ballot is held immediately.  If nobody gets the required majority at the second ballot, a third ballot is held.  In the third ballot only the two persons getting the highest number of votes in the second ballot will have passive vote, and these two will not have active vote.  In the third ballot, the one getting the greater number of votes is declared elected even without an absolute majority.  If there is a tie at the third ballot, the senior by first profession, and, if the two were professed on the same day, the senior by age is chosen.
    4. The newly elected office bearers take charge only at the conclusion of the Assembly electing them.

  12. Finance
    1. Membership Fees and contributions are proposed by the Regional Executive Council and decided by the Regional CRI Assembly.
    2. Annual financial report is presented to the Regional CRI Assembly and approved by it.  Annual budget is presented to the Regional Executive Council and approved by it.  The Auditors for the Regional CRI are appointed by the Regional Executive Council.  Limits of competence of the Regional President and the Regional Executive Secretary may be determined by the Regional Executive Council.

  13. Relationship
    1. At the regional level, the CRI units collaborate with the Regional Council of Bishops.

  14. Approval and Amendments of these statutes are within the purview of the National CRI Assembly.  Interpretation of these statutes is within the purview of the National Executive Council.
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